It is an established fact through a United Nations finding that Igbo language has become one of the indigenous languages that is “trending towards extinction'.
- It is an established fact through a United Nations finding that Igbo language has become one of the indigenous languages that is “trending towards extinction'.
- Though it is a praise- worthy attribute to model oneself to the positive aspects of any new environment, it should .
- nevertheless be done at the expense of the distinct identifiable and adorable natural gift of a person encapsulated in his/her native language and culture.
It is an established fact through a United Nations finding that Igbo language has become one of the indigenous languages that is “trending towards extinction'. The major reason for this disturbing research result could be attributed to the natural tendency of an average Igbo indigene to adapt easily to the dominant global cultures as part of the quest for educational and economic opportunities. Though it is a praise- worthy attribute to model oneself to the positive aspects of any new environment, it should nevertheless be done at the expense of the distinct identifiable and adorable natural gift of a person encapsulated in his/her native language and culture.